Have you thought about the words Jesus used, "Our Father Who art in Heaven"?
Take a moment and ponder the magnitude of those two simple words - Our Father...Do you see it?
WE take them for granted. But, put yourselves in the place of the hearers of those words for the first time in history. For centuries they were told to not take the LORD'S Name in vain. They were told of the miracles of YHWH in hushed, reverent tones. HE was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was inscrutable.
And then, "Our Father". *SNAP* Religious foundations were shaken to their core.
For the first time since the Fall, the Creator was...FATHER! Intimate, familial.
And Jesus didn't say MY Father - He said OUR Father. *CRACK*
These two simple words forever changed how we could think about God, how we could perceive Him...how we could KNOW Him.
He indeed IS knowable and desires an intimate relationship with His children. He is, after all, OUR FATHER.