Had some JW's visit our house yesterday. Of course I hid from them and acted like I wasn't home - I know, I'm a coward. Just didn't feel like debating them in my doorway.
They left a tract in our door. Unlike them, I can read literature from places I might not agree with and not become "tainted" (?) by it.
Anyway, while reading through it, I realized that they were using as their basis for a particular doctrine the book of Ecclesiastes. And I just wonder if we should use that book in formulating a deep truth - especially the conclusion they were drawing from it? I don't know. Also, they drew from Psalms. If we are going to proof-text, I'm sure we can find anything that will fit our particular view. However, doesn't it depend on the context?
What if the Psalmist was just making a rhetorical point? Again, I don't know. But the argument they were making just seemed specious and reaching to me.
To All the Women I’ve Known
I grew up in a conservative community, on a grape vineyard in Central
California. In life and sports, making jokes at the expense of girls and
women was ...
5 days ago
Have ya tried turning the sprinklers on ???
just waitill they get about half way up the walk,,, works every time...
ps. thanks for checking in the other day...
The question is, why are they drawing their theology from OT? Are they still under the Old Covenant? Didn't they know that Jesus established a NEW Covenant when He died on the cross?
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