Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Love Note from Your Father

(Adapted from the Psalms by Steve McVey)
My dear child,

I am with you. (46:7) Stop striving and know that I am God. (46:10) I have chosen your inheritance for you. (47:4) I rule over everything. (47:8) Remember Israel - They didn't possess the land by their own swords. It wasn't their hand that saved them. It was My right hand and My arm and the light of My presence. I favored them. (44:3) So it is with you--I have poured out grace on your lips and will bless you forever. (45:2)

I will always guide you, until the day you die. (48:14) You thought I was just like you. (50:21) But my loving kindness endures all day long, every day. (52:1) Know this--I am for you. (56:9) My loving kindness toward you is higher than the heavens. (57:10) Stay with me and take refuge under the shelter of my wings. (61:4)

Trust in me at all times and pour out your heart before me. (62:8) I am the One who bears your burdens. I am your salvation and am the God of deliverance for you. (68:19-20) I will show myself strong in the way I act on your behalf. (68:28) Just trust me and praise me more and more. (71:14)

Listen to what I am saying - I speak peace to you, my godly one. (85:8) Your springs of joy are to be found in me. (87:7) I will satisfy you every morning with my loving kindness. (90:14) When you find anxious thoughts multiplying in your mind, my consolation will delight your soul. So be glad. (94:19)

I never change. (102:27) My sovereignty rules over all. (103:19) Meditate on that and I'll be pleased. (104:34) I have sent my word and healed you and delivered you from your destructions. (107:20) I am God. I do whatever I please (115:3) and it pleases me to be gracious and compassionate and to preserve you. (116:5-6) What I have said is settled in heaven. (119:89)

I don't count sins or nobody could stand. (130:3-4) You are forgiven and my loving kindness is everlasting. My loving kindness is everlasting! (Ps. 136 says this 26 times) I will accomplish the things that concern you. (138:8) I know you - when you sit down and get up, what you think. I carefully watch over you as you move through your day and then sleep at night. I am intimately acquainted with everything about you. (139:1-4) I wrote the script for every day of your life before you lived a single one of them. (139:16) I know your path and the way where you will walk. (142:3)

And my child...I do take such pleasure in you! (149:4)

With eternal love,
Your proud Father

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