I want to take a moment and thank God for bringing Steve McVey's ministry into my life. I have come to see that not everyone is ready to learn about the Gospel of Grace (which I now know is the COMPLETE Gospel i.e. Not JUST forgiveness [even though that is enough], but abundant Life!), but that we come to understanding as the Spirit sees fit.
If you want to visit his website, you can click here: www.gracewalk.org
If you want to leave him a donation, you can click here: http://www.gracewalk.org/web/pageid/48006/pages.asp
I would also like to thank God for Chuck Swindoll, Philip Yancey (Hey, we went to the same church in the 60's together when I was a little boy), William Young, and Watchman Nee (I can't wait to meet him in Heaven).
To those who may now think that I have lost my spiritual mind and have veered into error, these writers have only ANSWERED what my heart was ALREADY asking!
It’s Time Part 1 Is Now Available in Book Form
Tomorrow is the official release date for my newest book, but it is already
available on Kindle or in print from Amazon. We are still in the process
5 days ago
It is as Augustine would say: "If you have comprehended, what you have comprehended is not God." Or, as another has it: "God loves with intensely tender love those of us who are happy enough to abandon ourselves entirely to his fatherly care, letting ourselves be governed by his divine providence without wasting time by considering if the effects of this providence will be useful, profitable, or harmful for us. We say willingly: 'I place my spirit into your blessed hands.' "
I have come to like Augustine - he also said, "If you but love God you may do what you incline."
Hi John,
I just found your blog today via a Google Alert I've set up for the phrase "Grace Walk."
Steve's books and audio, and overall ministry, have been a great benefit in my life as well, and I'm always happy to find other Grace Walkers.
Grace and peace to you!
Glad you also benefitted from his ministry. I've corresponded with him a couple of times. Also with Wayne Jacobsen who wrote So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore.
Have you read that book? Also, read an article I posted today about the movement OUT of traditional religion.
I believe God is moving HIS body.
Yep I've posted a few comments on Wayne's blog and I've listened to some of the God Journey podcasts. A year or two ago I downloaded So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore and began to read it, but haven't yet finished it. What I read of it, I really liked. Also have read a lot of The Shack, and liked it as well, although fiction isn't really my thing.
Through the blog world, I've come into contact with quite a lot of people who are moving out of traditional church. Many of my blogging friends are on a journey that has led them out of the IC, which has really helped them to finally truly know Christ.
A friend and I record a weekly program that airs on Grace Walk Radio and is also available through my Grace Roots blog. We talk about a lot of different things, mostly revolving around the grace walk, and growing in grace and freedom. We really just want to see people become free in their identity in Christ, and from the responses we get, I can wholeheartedly agree with you that God is moving HIS body! :)
Thanks for information.
I loved The Shack. I think fiction is a great way to introduce a philosophy. Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead being two of my favorites. I know, I know, Ayn Rand was an athiest, but she was still brilliant. I watched an interview with her one time right after her husband had died, and I truly believe that she had the tiniest doubt as to her beliefs.
Now back to spiritual, So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore really spoke to me because I had almost the exact same experience, although I was a volunteer (a deacon), by being maligned from the pulpit and shunned by a few "friends". Very sad. God told us to leave the church both of my daughters grew up in. One of the hardest things we've ever had to do.
I hope I am not too dense, but what is the "IC"?
Hi John,
I agree that fiction is a great way to introduce philosophy. I personally don't have the attention span for novels... LOL... but I know that's just me, and I've encountered many people who are really digging books like So you don't want to go to church anymore and The Shack.
"IC" is an abbreviation I've seen various people use referring to the Institutional Church. People define it in various ways, and people are leaving it for various reasons, but I'm finding something in common with a lot or most of them - they're finding much more true life in Christ outside of the four walls than they ever found inside the institution.
The story you've just shared about being shunned by those who were supposedly friends is indeed sad and is unfortunately all too common. Through the blog world I've met people from coast to coast who have been deeply hurt by even those who were at one time their closest personal friends.
Hopefully through blogs like yours, and others who are sharing the truth of the grace and freedom found in Jesus Christ, people will find help and healing.
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