What Others Are Saying about It’s Time
I hope this means my new book hasn’t gone to the dogs already. People have
been sending pictures as well as comments, so if you haven’t ordered a ...
The ...
3 days ago
Have you seen his "Wisdom of the Desert?" It is simply translated extracts from the "words" of the desert fathers. A very interesting exploration of silence and humility.
I definitely need to read the early fathers. But you have to understand, I have a LOT of Baptist baggage - Catholic teaching CANNOT have ANY value. (Tongue planted firmly in cheek)
Thank you Brother.
In fairness to Baptists, they at least are willing to say it. Many Catholics of all stripes would find that their present beliefs disagree with the early Fathers if they would read them carefully.
Right now, I'm a man without a denomination - maybe I won't find one. I'm ok with that. I am simply seeking a relationship with Him. God had to "empty my cup" and the only thing I clung to was the Cross. He has built upon THAT foundation - all else was dross.
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